Refugee: Voices in Exile - Verbatim Theatre Charity Performance


Li Po Chun United World College of Hong Kong
  • (五) 28-02-2014 8:00 PM - 0 小時



Refugee: Voices in Exile
Verbatim Theatre Charity Performance
Friday 28th February 2014 @ 8.00pm Tickets $100
@ Fringe Upstairs Theatre
A full length piece of Verbatim Theatre that gives voice to the life experiences of the refugees. 
Created in one week by 12 college students + a group a group of refugees from the Christian Action Service Center.
All proceeds from the evening will go towards the Christian Action’s Chungking Mansions Service Centre Arts in Action1 programme.
Tickets -  book from Steve Reynolds, Director of the project ( or 66211725). 
Presented by Li Po Chun United World College of Hong Kong 
and Christian Action Chungking Mansions Service Center for Refugees & Asylum Seekers  embark on an ambitious, challenging and unique collaboration. 

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