11th Annual Hong Kong Improv Festival
Exhibition - Comedy
Hong Kong Improv

- Fri 22-10-2021 8:00 PM - 2 h
- Sat 23-10-2021 8:00 PM - 2 h
The Jockey Club Studio Theatre
$200 (Adult)
$160 (Fringe Club Member)
In English
It’s here! Our 11th Annual Hong Kong Improv Festival, featuring six improv teams from Hong Kong. Enjoy a weekend full of laughs as the performers make up scenes on the spot, inspired by suggestions from YOU, the audience!
Show Type: Improv Comedy
Age Limit: 15+ Advisory
Duration: 2 hours, with a 10-minute intermission
hongkongimprov@gmail.com / enquiry@hkfringeclub.com
2521 7251 / 5616 1233 (WhatsApp)