The Elephant Song
Exhibition - Drama
Sweet & Sour Productions Ltd

- Wed 30-11-2016 7:30 PM - 1 h 15 m
- Fri 02-12-2016 7:30 PM - 1 h 15 m
- Sat 03-12-2016 2:30 PM - 1 h 15 m
- Sat 03-12-2016 7:30 PM - 1 h 15 m
Fringe Underground
In English
The Elephant Song, by Nicolas Billon, is a tense cautionary tale about Michael Aleen, a young man institutionalised in Brockville Psychiatric Hospital. Dr Lawrence, Michael’s regular psychiatrist, has disappeared. The hospital director, Dr Greenberg, interviews Michael about the disappearance, but is unprepared for the meeting and unaware of how intelligent and manipulative Michael can be. The head nurse, Miss Peterson, knows Michael well, and warns Dr Greenberg that Michael is the most intelligent person in the hospital, a fact that Dr Greenberg ignores. What unfolds over the course of the interview is a sophisticated game of manipulation and a verbal tug-of-war. We discover that Michael has not got over the shock of some traumatic events earlier in his life. After a series of jokes, red herrings and revelations, it’s hard to distinguish between fact and fiction. Michael is highly organised and no one catches on to what he has planned for the end of the interview.
Not suitable for people under 12 years of age