Forgot (Musical Theatre)
Exhibition - Musical
Theatre Delphis Presents

- Wed 16-03-2016 8:00 PM - 1 h 40 m
- Thu 17-03-2016 8:00 PM - 1 h 40 m
- Fri 18-03-2016 8:00 PM - 1 h 40 m
- Sat 19-03-2016 2:30 PM - 1 h 40 m
- Sat 19-03-2016 8:00 PM - 1 h 40 m
Fringe Underground
$250; $200(M)
In Cantonese
A doctor who can’t prescribe and a writer who can’t compose.
A designer who can’t create and a fresh graduate who can’t do anything.
The four “can’t-s” meet, and decide to be housemates together under the same roof. Will they be able to see beyond each other’s impossibilities and find their possibility?