A Hard Day's Night...
Exhibition - LiveMusic

- Fri 22-01-2016 8:00 PM - 1 h 30 m
Fringe Underground
$150; includes one standard drink
In Cantonese
The debut gig in Hong Kong by new local band COOPER, whose musical vision is to pay tribute to the great music of The Beatles.
COOPER was founded because Lo-Jim met two young bands, quite by chance. The first band was Weed. The singing style of the vocalist Sogun was unforgettable, and the performance by the guitarist Alex made a big impression. The second band was Underklot, featuring Abby, a skilled guitarist, and Patrick, an experienced drummer.
In October 2015, the musicians met in a band room and discovered they were all crazy fans of The Beatles. So after jamming together for a while, they decided to form a new band, and they named it COOPER. Why? Lo-Jim explains: “The Mini Cooper is a renowned British car that’s as famous as The Beatles. We’re not kids anymore, so we deleted the word ‘Mini’ and decided to be just COOPER!”
The band will focus on doing covers of Beatles songs. They’ll perform music by other bands (local and foreign) too, and they plan to release their own original material soon.
On January 22, come and learn more about the most influential rock band in the world!
COOPER brings together Lo-Jim and members of two Hong Kong indie bands, Weed and Underklot. The performers are:
Vocals: Sogun (Weed / Dovey)
Guitar: Abby (Underklot)
Guitar: Alex (Weed)
Bass: Lo-Jim (LMF / Paul Wong & The Postman)
Drums: Patrick (Underklot)