Fresh Wave 10th Anniversary Special Screening: Retrieve Our Land

Art Week

Fresh Wave
  • Fri 13-11-2015 7:30 PM - 2 h

The Jockey Club Studio Theatre

Free admission with registration


Seats are limited and are arranged on first-come-first-served basis. Please go to and register first if you are interested.


Screening titles: 1+1, Heartbeat 48, JoL bOYZ

(with English subtitles; the screening will be followed by a discussion and Q&A session with the directors. Critic Siu Heng will be the host.)


This year marks the 10th anniversary of Fresh Wave; on this special occasion, we compile a special screening “Retrieve Our Land” to showcase the distinguished Fresh Wave short films from the past years.

The selected shorts focus on the conflict between singled-minded development and disappearing local community. There are a benevolent grandfather and an innocent child who plant bamboo in the middle of the city, there are ultraman-wannabes who do all kinds of petty good things in their neighborhood — after all, they want nothing more than a livable Hong Kong. 


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