Raymond Pang

- Sat 17-10-2015 to Tue 03-11-2015
Anita Chan Lai-ling Gallery
Free admission
For years I have been searching for a direction, spending many sleepless nights with strolling lines. Until I listened to my inner voice and found my centre right here, right in the relationship with nature. Look no further and the truth appear.
Originally trained as a graphic designer, sculptor Raymond Pang, a.k.a. Wave Idea, was born to a fisherman’s family in Hong Kong and spent most of his adolescence at sea. Critically acclaimed for his spontaneous and instinctive style, Pang engages with concepts of organic forms depicting whales, ripples and waves in his sculptures and drawings. Using humble materials such as stone, wood and copper wire, Pang’s artwork demonstrates a soft, sensual touch. His ongoing search for serenity of soul is a process that caused by insomnia which drove him to repetitive drawings of abstract scenarios that reflect his unsettled state of mind.
As an active member of Wesculptor, an organisation formed by a group of sculpture enthusiasts in Hong Kong, Pang took part in public artworks exhibitions, with his artworks appeared at Kadoorie Farm and Botanic Garden, Aberdeen Promenade, Shek Kip Mei Public Housing Development and Sai Kung District Council Public Art Project before.Pang’s works have also been exhibited at various art shows and galleries, to name a few, including Eslite in Taipei, MOCA Shanghai, Zhaongshan Expo Centre, Hong Kong Arts Centre, Hong Kong Visual Arts Centre, Hong Kong City Hall, Hong Kong such as the Former Police Married Quarters (PMQ), Youth Square, Cyberport Arcade, Fotanian Open Studio.
群體展覽 Group Exhibitions
2015 香港雕塑會將於香港視覺藝術中心首次展出會員作品 暨 新書發表㑹
Hong Kong Sculpture’s Premier Exhibition will be held at the
Hong Kong Visual Arts Centre and Release of HKS New Book
2015 “雕塑型社主辦“本地薑 ﹣ 藝穗會
“We Sculptors”Local Ginger ﹣ Fringe Club
2015 伙炭創作室開放日‘We Sculptors’﹠Hong Kong Sculpture’
Fotanian Open Studio ‘We Sculptors’﹠Hong Kong Sculpture’
2014 2014(中山)首屆國際青年藝術博覧會, 中山博覧中心
Art's New World - 2014 (Zhongshan)。 1th Internation Shapers Fine Art Expo, Zhongshan Expo Center
2014 2014(中山)首屆國際青年藝術博覧會, 中山博覧中心
Art's New World - 2014 (Zhongshan)。 1th Internation Shapers Fine Art Expo, Zhongshan Expo Center
2014 嘉道理農場(馬賽克-魚)Kadoorie Farm and Botanic Garden -my sweet home ( Fish Mosaic)
2014 南區區議會主辦 "愛上南區:「中秋火龍新舊文化對對碰」" 香港仔海濱公園 ( 雕塑型社團隊制作 )
2014 Hong Kong Makes SENCE 2014 - 多媒體藝術展覽
2014 香港視覺藝術協會40th - 師生邀請作品展覽
2014 香港視覺藝術中心藝術專修深造課程(雕塑) 畢業展覽 香港視覺藝術中心
Graduation Exhibition - Art Specialist Advanced (Sculpture) Course, Hong Kong Visual Arts Centre
2013-2015 「KOHLER亞洲藝術展」 北京、上海、香港、台北、韓國、美國
「KOHLER Asia Art Program
Beijing, Shanghai, Hong Kong, Taipei, Korea, USA.
2013 伙炭創作室開放日‘We Sculptors’ Fotanian Open Studio “We Sculptors”
2012 香港國際雕塑創作營2012 (團隊制作: 木換境移)
HK International Sculpture Symposium 2012 (Team work: Awakened Sleeps ~ Transformed Places)
2012 ”雕塑型社“ 香港青年廣場 “We Sculptors”Hong Kong Youth Square
2012 ”雕塑型社“ 香港數碼港“We Sculptors” Hong Kong Cyberport
2011 「非誠勿雕」“雕塑型社主辦“ 香港視覺藝術中心 “We Sculptors” Hong Kong Visual Arts Centre
2010 Detour 中區舊已婚警察宿舍(PMQ) (團隊制作) Detour -Former Police Married Quarters (PMQ) - Team work
2009 香港視覺藝術中心藝術專修課程(雕塑)畢業展覽 香港視覺藝術中心
Graduation Exhibition - Art Specialist (Sculpture) Course, Hong Kong Visual Arts Centre
2006 香港視覺藝術中心藝術專修課程(陶瓷)畢業展覽 香港視覺藝術中心
Graduation Exhibition - Art Specialist (Ceramics) Course, Hong Kong Visual Arts Centre
2004 〔大喜作業〕大陶及歡喜陶師生陶藝展 香港視覺藝術中心
[Happy Works] A Ceramics Exhibition by Cobo +Workshop HF, Hong Kong Visual Arts Centre
獎項 Awards
雕塑作品: “石硤尾是我的家” 提供社區藝術品的戶外功能牆大賽2012 石硤尾村 (團隊合作: 雕塑型社)。
Artwork: “Shek Kip Mei Is My Home” Provision of Community Artwork for Outdoor Feature Wall competition 2012
Shek Kip Mei Estate (Team Work: We Sculptors).
雕塑作品: 《漣漪 》入選香港國際雕塑創作營2012( 團隊合作: 雕塑型社 )
Artwork: “Ripple”became a selected entry to the Hong Kong International Sculpture Symposium 2012
(Team work: We Sculptors)
雕塑作品: 《躍》入圍西貢區議會公眾藝術計劃2009。
Artwork: “JUMP”became a selected finalist entry to the Sai Kung District Council Public Art Project 2009.
陶瓷作品: 《活稔色彩 II》入選陶瓷茶具創作比賽2005。
Artwork: “Colorful Harvest II” became a selected entry to the Teaware By Hong Kong Potters 2005 Exhibition.
藝術課程 Art Trainings
2013 修畢香港視覺藝術中心舉辦之藝術專修深造課程(雕塑)
Art Specialist Advanced Course (Sculpture), Hong Kong Visual Arts Centre
2009 修畢香港視覺藝術中心舉辦之藝術專修課程(雕塑)
Art Specialist Course (Sculpture), Hong Kong Visual Arts Centre
2006 修畢香港視覺藝術中心舉辦之藝術專修課程(陶瓷)
Art Specialist Course (Ceramics), Hong Kong Visual Arts Centre
2002-2004 於大陶工作室學習陶藝
Learned ceramics in Cobo Ceramic Workshop