Mike Meyer In Manchuria: A Village Called Wasteland
Exhibition - Reading Series
Hong Kong International Literary Festival

- Sat 07-11-2015 2:00 PM - 1 h 30 m
The Jockey Club Studio Theatre
In English
The Story of China's urbanization has been unfolding over the last 15 years. But what happens when we dig beneath the gritty surface and explore this issue on a personal level? For three years, Mike Meyer rented a home in the rice-farming community of Wasteland, hometown to his wife's family whose personal saga mirrors the tremendous change most of rural China is undergoing. In Manchuria is a scintillating combination of memoir, travelogue, contemporary reporting and historical research, presenting a unique profile of China's northeast territory.
For any enquiries, please contact on (852) 2877 9770 or email to info@festival.org.hk.