Boi Akih Inspiral
Exhibition - Concert
Boi Akih

- Sat 31-10-2015 8:00 PM - 1 h 30 m
Fringe Underground
$230; $210 (M)
In English
Boi Akih have a unique sound that is intensely moving and spiced with virtuoso improvisations. Through breathtaking and compelling concerts, they have built bridges between East & West. A concert by Boi Akih is an amazing experience. The voice of Akihary is exceptionally nuanced. With her spot on timing, tone and charismatic personality, she immediately touches the heart of the listener.
Boi Akih's new program INSPIRAL is a visual concert. Time and space are experienced through moving images and sound. They created a perfect theatre piece together with video artist Martijn Grootendorst. Inspiral is a sensory experience. The warm, colorful and magnificent voice of Monica Akihary and the inventive guitar playing from Niels Brouwer tells you the story of Inspiral. you'll move in time and space.
Not suitable for people under 6 years of age