“Curate No More” Gum’s Art Project(2013-2015)
C&G Artpartmet

- Wed 30-09-2015 to Wed 14-10-2015
Anita Chan Lai-ling Gallery
Free admission
You are welcome to C & G Artpartment and 7 other venues to visit and exchange ideas with the artist.
Presented by: C & G Artpartment
Curated by: CHEUNG Clara
Artist: CHENG Yee Man(Gum)
Content: Between September 2013 and August 2015, Gum paints one self-portrait each week, based upon mass media’s representation of himself. During this painting project, he has done a large-scale study to search for his portraits appearing on newspaper, magazines, televisions, online-media etc, and then re-present his images from mass media on canvas.
Hong Kong has been lack of systematic writings about local art history. Sorted files of artworks being represented in mass media can formulate an effective art archive. Because of his role as an artist, Gum’s image is being represented and documented in mass media. Instead of being all the way passive, Gum Cheng has adapted a more pro-active approach to re-appropriate the power of the media to further express his own artistic ideas. The current series of paintings make use of the reports of the artist in mass media. A simplified personal history is being re-packaged in the paintings to reveal the sustainable development of an alternative dimension of the artist’s life.
-100 oil paintings on canvas in different sizes (from 20 X 30cm to 70 X 100cm) will be exhibited
《策你老毛》系列展覽 "Curate No More" Exhibition Series
《策你老毛》1 之 預言 及 2 之 素描
“Curate No More” 1 - Fortune Telling & 2 - Sketching
《策你老毛》3 之 撰寫計劃書
“Curate No More” 3 - Proposal Writing
《策你老毛》4 之 藝術評論
“Curate No More” 4 - Art Criticism -https://www.facebook.com/events/951515111573013/
《策你老毛》5 之 行為藝術紀錄
“Curate No More” 5 - Performance Art Documentation -https://www.facebook.com/events/1154632274550770/
《策你老毛》6 之 聲音藝術
“Curate No More” 6 - Sound Art -
《策你老毛》7 之 雕塑
“Curate No More” 7 - Sculpture -https://www.facebook.com/events/478541312307081/
《策你老毛》8 之 繪畫創作
“Curate No More” 8 - Painting -
《策你老毛》9 之 攝影
“Curate No More” 9 - Photography -
《策你老毛》10 之 郵遞藝術
“Curate No More” 10 - Mail Art -