Bending Adversity: David Pilling on Japan in the 21st Century
Exhibition - Reading Series
Hong Kong International Literary Festival

- Sat 08-11-2014 8:00 PM - 1 h
The Jockey Club Studio Theatre
$160; $80(S)
In English
Acclaimed journalist David Pilling draws on his experience as Tokyo Bureau Chief for the Financial Times in this outstanding new book, Bending Adversity: Japan and the Art of Survival, about the resilience of Japan’s political social order in the face of disaster, most recently the earthquake, tsunami, and subsequent nuclear meltdown of 2011. Do not miss this session!
Author Bio:
David Pilling joined The Financial Times in 1990 and has been its Asia Editor since 2008. He has worked in Chile, Argentina and he later returned to London to be the editor. He was the Global Pharmaceuticals and Biotechnology Correspondent before he acted as Tokyo Bureau Chief from 2002-2008. Awarded the Best Commentator prize by the Society of Publishers in Asia, he was also named the Best Foreign Commentator of the 2011 Editorial Intelligence Comment Awards in the UK. His award-winning weekly column covers Asian business, politics and economics, and continues to appear worldwide. His book Bending Adversity: Japan and the Art of Survival was published by Penguin in January 2014.
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