Journeys of a Hong Kong Poet, Leung Ping Kwan (1949-2013)

- Fri 17-10-2014 to Sun 02-11-2014
2B, Huashan1914 Creative Park, Taipei
Free admission
Journeys of a Hong Kong Poet, Leung Ping Kwan (1949-2013)
Oct 17 (Fri) -- Nov 2 (Sun), 2014
Reading poetry allows us to be more aware of the details of life, notice the sorrows of another person, and appreciate the wonderful taste of peaches. ---- Leung Ping Kwan
Leung Ping Kwan (1949-2013) was a celebrated man of letters in Hong Kong. Writing mainly in the Chinese language under his pen-name Yasi, he was a prolific poet, novelist, essayist, translator, researcher, teacher, scholar, photographer, videographer, and literary, film and cultural critic.
Yasi traversed comfortably across different media, and geographic and cultural borders. Thirty years in the ivory towers of academia did not keep him detached from people; he was a professor and mentor without pomp and circumstance. Always gracious with his time and encouragement to his students and novice writers, Yasi revelled in his interactions with readers and people from all walks of life, in Hong Kong and abroad. He enjoyed food and travel, especially when he could engage both of them together. He was a gourmet and a gourmand, fond of and curious about all Chinese regional cuisines, but also made it a point to savour the local cooking wherever he was in the world: attending a conference in New York City, being a poet-in-residence deep in the hills of Provence, or as a writer-in-residence in Berlin. Food, whatever its provenance, inspired much of his literary work.
‘Journeys of a Hong Kong Poet, Leung Ping Kwan (1949-2013)’ celebrates Yasi and Hong Kong culture and recognizes his immense contribution. An avant-garde artist who loved life and lived it to the fullest, he was never afraid to engage his writing with another art forms, be it visual art, design, music, dance, fashion or a mix of them.
‘Journey is a process of discovery’, Yasi wrote in the epilogue of his 1985 book, Journey. In his vision of this ‘Journeys’ exhibition, literature did not rest between pages of text, instead it was alive; literature was a part of his dialogue with life – a life full to the brim with his many artist-friends. With more than one hundred works of art featuring creative dialogue with artist-collaborators, the exhibition comes under eight themes -- Images of Hong Kong, Journeys, Residence on Earth, Lotus Leaves, Foodscape, Art Poems, Greetings, and Odes – with a section featuring the work of emerging artists from Taiwan, including Chang Shih-Fei, Zepulj Kaluvung, Li Yen-Zhi, Tsai Wan-Shuen and Jam Wu and the artists have all been inspired by Yasi and respond to his art with their own art forms. Altogether, the exhibition is at once real and symbolic of Yasi’s journeys from East to West and then back again. It contains Yasi’s presence – his wit and humour, his generosity and open spirit, his never-ending sense of curiosity, his vast museum of life.
The many events of ‘Journeys of a Hong Kong Poet, Leung Ping Kwan (1949-2013)’ celebrate Yasi’s life and continue the voices in Hong Kong literature and culture.
Exhibition Period
Fri Oct 17, 2014 2pm – 7pm
Sat Oct 18 to Sun Nov 2, 2014
Mon to Sun, 10am-7pm
Exhibition Opening
Sat Oct 18, 2014, 4pm
Venue: 2B, Huashan1914 Creative Park
Address: No.1, Section 1 Bade Road, Zhongzheng District, Taipei
Public Docent Tours
Date/ Time: 3pm on Saturdays & Sundays (except Oct 18)
Meeting Point: Exhibition Reception, 2B, Huashan1914 Creative Park
A maximum of 20 participants, first come, first served
45 minutes per session, in Mandarin
No registration needed
Presented by:
Hong Kong-Taiwan Cultural Co-operation Committee
In Association with:
Hong Kong Economic, Trade and Cultural Office (Taiwan)
Supported by:
Hong Kong Trade Development Council and Hong Kong Tourism Board
Co-organised by:
Hong Kong Festival Fringe Limited
Art Promotion Office
MCCM Creations, STORY, Kishu An Forest of Literature, TAAZE,The Eslite Bookstore