The internationally acclaimed and Nobel-nominated Polish poet Adam Zagajewski
Art Week
Sponsored by the Lingnan University Centre for Humanities Research, Association of Stories in Macao, The Fringe Club, and Pangolin House

- Tue 25-03-2014 8:00 PM - 1 h 30 m
Fringe Vault
Free admission
The internationally acclaimed and Nobel-nominated Polish poet Adam Zagajewski will read from his work March 25th at 8PM in the Vault of The Fringe Club, 2 Lower Albert Road, Central, HK. In English, with some Cantonese & Mandarin. Free and open to the public. Sponsored by the Lingnan Univ. Centre for Humanities Research, Association of Stories in Macao, The Fringe Club, and Pangolin House. For more information, contact The Fringe Club at 2521 7521, or the Lingnan Univ. Centre for Humanities Research at 2616 8055.