Dogs, Cats & Humans 2: The Tohoku Earthquake for Animals
Exhibition - Movie

- Fri 07-02-2014 7:30 PM - 3 h
The Jockey Club Studio Theatre
Free Admission (by register)
In Japanese
The Director, Shishido Daisuke was born in 1982. The film, Dogs, Cats & Humans 2: The Tohoku Earthquake for Animals, serves as his debut in feature length documentary work.
Born and raised in the Miyagi Prefecture in Japan, Daisuke returned back to his deserted hometown after the devastating Fukushima disaster had destroyed much of the Japanese Coast. Undeterred by the risks of radiation poisoning and future tremors, he spent more than 600 days filming starving, displaced animals in affected areas, as well as the volunteer workers who sneak into restricted areas to aid these creatures. Through effective use of his camera lens, Daisuke invites us to join him in venturing into the heart of the devastation zone, and to view the aftereffects of this disaster through the eyes of the animals that were left behind.
Film Preview:
Chinese Subtitled
Register: Polly +852 9587 2746
Green Peace
Greenpeace was founded in 1971, an independent, nonprofit, global campaigning organization that uses non-violent, creative confrontation to expose global environmental problems and their causes. Greenpeace stands for positive change through action to defend the natural world and promote peace and our goal is to ensure the ability of Earth to nurture life in all its diversity. We now have over 40 offices in different parts of the world.