Shaping the Landscape 2013 , Lam Tsuen, Tai Po
University of Hong Kong, Faculty of Architecture

- Thu 14-11-2013 to Wed 20-11-2013
Fringe Vault
The “Shaping the Landscape” Exhibition is carried out as part of an undergraduate class at the University of Hong Kong. The concept of this exhibition is to explore human’s changing relationships with nature through collaborative and site-specific art. In the process, student artists are fully immersed in the histories and context of site in order to conceive works of art that arise from this immersion. The series of artwork captured the phenomenological qualities of the site, picking up from local materiality, colour and textures, light and wind, and site histories.
This October, students worked in an old village in Lam Tsuen, Tai Po. Student artists took sites in this old Hakka village, and created six site-specific art pieces. Documentations, such as hand sketches, photographs, and short films, were made to capture essences of the projects, forming the basis of this exhibition.
There will be a Public Launch of this exhibition on 16th Nov 2013, 10:30am-1pm. Students will present their art projects to critics to comment.