Christian Jungersen - You Disappear (HK International Literary Festival 2013)
Exhibition - Reading Series
Christian Jungersen

- Mon 04-11-2013 7:00 PM - 1 h
Fringe Underground
$130; $104(M); $65(S)
tickets available at
In English
His debut novel, Thickets, was on the Danish bestseller list for three months in 1999. With his follow-up novel, The Exception, he has become an international bestselling novelist. You Disappear, the third novel by Danish author Christian Jungersen, promises to go even further. The English translation is due out in January 2014. HKILF will be the first venue in the world where Jungersen will give a reading from this novel and to present it to the audience for debate. Don’t miss this world premiere reading!
Hotlines: (10am – 8pm)
(852) 2314 4228 (Telephone Enquiries)
(852) 2111 5333 (Telephone Booking – Events)
In Person: Tom Lee Music Stores