Hong Kong and Macao 2025 inter-university oratory competition
Consulat Général de France à Hong Kong et Macao、Alliance française de Hong Kong

- Sat 08-03-2025 1:30 PM - 2 h 30 m
The Jockey Club Studio Theatre
Free Entry (Registration required)
The Consulate General of France in Hong Kong and Macao is organising the Hong Kong and Macao 2025 Inter-university Oratory Competition.
This event aims to promote the French language and highlight Women in the Francophonie. Come to see and support some students for whom French is a foreign language. They will showcase their talents in French by discussing feminism and women who have made history.
A jury will award the best performance with the "Creativity Price", a round trip to Canada by plane, offered by our sponsor: Air Canada.
Finally, we will have the chance to host Dr. Caroline Ha Thuc, an art writer, researcher, and curator specializing in Asian contemporary art. She will give a conference at 4:15 PM on "Women Artists in Hong Kong: Diversity and Proliferation of Contemporary Practices".