Salsa Course 2025


  • Thu 06-02-2025 7:30 PM - 2 h
  • Fri 14-02-2025 7:30 PM - 2 h
  • Thu 20-02-2025 7:30 PM - 2 h
  • Thu 27-02-2025 7:30 PM - 2 h
  • Thu 06-03-2025 7:30 PM - 2 h
  • Thu 13-03-2025 7:30 PM - 2 h
  • Thu 20-03-2025 7:30 PM - 2 h
  • Thu 03-04-2025 7:30 PM - 2 h

Fringe Underground

HK$1760 [8 Lessons] (Regular Price)
HK$1600 [8 Lessons] (University or Senior high school students / Registration with Payment before January 31)
HK$250 (Walk-in)




Join the Vibrant Salsa Scene and experience the joy of Salsa dancing with Franky, a distinguished lecturer in Latin Music and Salsa Dance at United International College (UIC) and the Baptist University of Hong Kong. Franky brings a wealth of expertise, having trained many of Hong Kong's top dancers while actively uplifting Salsa and Bachata skills among the younger generation in the Greater Bay Area.


With a well-structured curriculum and extensive teaching experience, Franky ensures that students will learn and progress effectively, all while connecting with fellow Salsa enthusiasts.


Start Time:

Beg. Level 7:30 PM - 8:30 PM

Int. Level 8:30 PM - 9:30 PM


Special Events:

Salsa Party of the month (22/ March / 2025)

For registration and more info, visit our website!


Special offers:

*Registration with Payment  before January 31, 10% 0ff at HK$1600/ 8 Lessons.

* University or Senior high school students will also get 10% off from 8 Lesson package!


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