Shhh, love is sleeping
Exhibition - Drama

- Wed 20-11-2013 8:00 PM - 1 h 30 m
- Thu 21-11-2013 8:00 PM - 1 h 30 m
- Fri 22-11-2013 8:00 PM - 1 h 30 m
- Sat 23-11-2013 3:00 PM - 1 h 30 m
- Sat 23-11-2013 8:00 PM - 1 h 30 m
The Jockey Club Studio Theatre
$160; $128(M)
Early-bird before 12 Oct 2013: $150
In Cantonese
When fashion designer Diana’s boyfriend proposed to her onstage at her fashion show, like most women she was moved to tears and accepted the romantic gesture. But when all excitement died down, she pondered her decision and was troubled, because she wasn’t sure he was “The One”. As the days went by, insomnia crept into her life.
Suddenly, many of Diana’s former boyfriends started re-appearing in her life, as if from nowhere. She realised that she hadn’t been single since she was 15, and every relationship followed the same pattern: flirting then sweetness then betrayal then forgiveness then, inevitably, a breakup. Over and over again. Would she ever break free from this endless cycle of searching for love?