OPEN ROLE Argentine Tango Beginners Class


Blue Moon Milonga
  • Fri 11-10-2024 1:00 PM - 6 h

Fringe Dairy

HK$180 (early bird before 10/10, with 1 standard drink)
HK$230 (early bird before 10/10, with 2 standard drinks)
HK$90 (early bird before 10/10, full-time student, with 1 standard drink)
HK$240 (at door, with 1 standard drink)


Fringe Box Office


Rumor has it that tango was created by men dancing with each other on street corners in Buenos Aires. At the beginning of the 20th century, the image of a man and woman dancing tango first became popular in France. Open role tango has since gained popularity in Europe and parts of the US over the past 20 years. In Hong Kong, we see women as leaders and occasionally men as followers on the dance floor. For those dancers who want to try a different role, or for beginners who are curious, Candy and Anita from Trio Spin will be teaching a special open role tango class on Chung Yeung Festival public holiday, October 11th, at the Fringe Club, at 3 PM, followed by a Milonga until 7 PM.

Interested participants can sign up via Art-mate or the following Google form link:


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