Salt and Pepper – Dec 7 LIVE SHOW
Hong Kong Stories

- Thu 07-12-2023 8:00 PM - 2 h
The Jockey Club Studio Theatre
HK$130 (Regular), $104 (Fringe Club Member)
Have you ever felt salty about something?
Or maybe you were in a bland situation and decided to add some sass?
Itching to add a pinch of this or a dash of that to life?
Embracing your salt and pepper look or going on a salad only diet?
We understand! In fact we empathise - and we have been collecting salty stories and peppery tales for your listening pleasure. Join us on Dec 7 and hear our storytellers tell their 'life is anything-but-bland stories’!
December’s show is being prepared by the savoury hands of Niharika!
Hong Kong Stories is a not-for-profit society dedicated to the art of storytelling. Find more information on
It’s better than drama, it’s better than comedy, it’s real life.