“Sein zum Tode” (Being-Towards-Death) Expressive Arts Therapy Oriented Theatre
Exhibition - Drama
Hong Kong Expressive Arts Therapy Service Center

- Thu 23-12-2021 8:00 PM - 1 h 45 m
- Fri 24-12-2021 3:00 PM - 1 h 45 m
- Fri 24-12-2021 8:00 PM - 1 h 45 m
- Sat 25-12-2021 3:00 PM - 1 h 45 m
The Jockey Club Studio Theatre
$150 (Adult)
$120 (Fringe Club Member/Students/Senior/Disabled)
In Cantonese
“Sein zum Tode” (Being-Towards-Death) Expressive Arts Therapy Oriented Theatre
What would you do if you had only one week to live?
Would you continue with your day-to-day routine?
Whom would you wish to spend the time with?
Would you choose to go on an adventure?
Would you fill up your schedule?
Or would you reprioritise your life tasks?
On this last journey of life, would you take a chance to be true to yourself for once?
“If I take death into my life, acknowledge it, and face it squarely, I will free myself from the anxiety of death and the pettiness of life - and only then will I be free to become myself.”
~ Martin Heidegger (German philosopher)
When the topic of death is no longer taboo, together we look at death directly, and from it we learn how to live.
Expressive Arts Therapy Oriented Theatre was founded by Ms. Canna Tang, Expressive Arts Therapist of HKEXAT. It’s a theatre-based approach to expressive arts therapy in which the theatre becomes a safe container of thoughts and emotions, and the flow of imagination and creation are sparked in multi-modality art experiences. During the performance, audiences are guided to feel the moment and create an “Aesthetic Response”, and a two-way arts and communication platform are constructed. It’s a place where everyone can be seen.
“Sein zum Tode” incorporates poetry, visual art, dance & movement, music and drama to express the performers’ thoughts and explorations about death. It allows us to let go of rational thinking and simply feel and be aware of how death leaves its mark on our life.
Age Limit: 12+ advisory
Duration: 95 minutes, no intermission
Performer / Production Team:
Director and Producer: Canna Tang
Assistant Producer: Emily Ng
Stage Manager: K
Live Musician: Hugo Wong
Creators and Performers: Canna Tang, Janet Li, Zoe So, Carol Suen, Charles Huang, Scarlett Yu, Stephanie Choi, Vic Man
Show Enquiries:
Ms Emily Ng (emilyng@hkexat.org)
General Enquiries:
2521 7251 / 5616 1233 (WhatsApp)