Hong Kong Stories September Live Show – Same, Same, But Different
Exhibition - Stand-up Comedy
Hong Kong Stories

- Thu 30-09-2021 8:00 PM - 2 h
The Jockey Club Studio Theatre
$135 (At Door)
$120 (Adult)
$96 (Fringe Club Member)
In English
Have you ever been the odd one out? Or found that life had thrown you a curveball and you ended up with a black eye? Things didn’t turn out the way you expected? You arrived a day late and a dollar short?
Or have you ever found out that something you were completely convinced about was absolutely wrong? Or you felt like a square peg that just wanted to be able to fit into that round hole?
Come and listen to our storytellers as they share their true, first-person stories on the theme of “Same, Same, But Different”.
This show is being pulled together by the wonderful Gina.
Hong Kong Stories is a not-for-profit society dedicated to the art of storytelling. Find more information at www.hongkongstories.com
It’s better than drama. It’s better than comedy. It’s real life.
* Please note that to comply with the government’s social distancing rules and to help keep everyone safe, the seating capacity for this show will be greatly reduced.
Show Type: Live Storytelling Performance
Age Limit: 16+ Advisory
Duration: 2 hours, with a 15-minute intermission
Email: enquiry@hkfringeclub.com
Tel: 2521 7251 / 5616 1233 (WhatsApp)