Improv Comedy Show – September 2021 Edition
Exhibition - Comedy
Hong Kong Improv

- Sat 04-09-2021 8:30 PM - 2 h
The Jockey Club Studio Theatre
$200 (Adult)
$160 (Fringe Club Member)
In English
We have a special treat this month! Improv and storytelling join forces to bring you a unique show!
Some fabulous storytellers from Hong Kong Stories will join us, and each one will tell a true story from their life that will serve as inspiration for our improv players to act out some scenes.
PLEASE NOTE: Due to the social distancing regulations of the venue, NO food or drinks will be allowed.
Not suitable for kids! Anyway, it’s way past their bedtime.
Show Type: Improv Comedy
Age Limit: 15+ Advisory
Duration: 2 hours, with a 10-minute intermission
Get Tickets
2521 7251 / 5616 1233 (WhatsApp)