Hong Kong Stories August Live Show – Bustin’ Out
Exhibition - Stand-up Comedy
Hong Kong Stories

- Thu 05-08-2021 8:00 PM - 2 h
The Jockey Club Studio Theatre
$135 (At Door)
$120 (Adult)
$96 (Fringe Club Member)
In English
Bustin’ Out. Stories about cutting loose, running free and breaking the mould.
Bust out of your routine and join us to hear these true stories, told by the people who lived them.
This show is curated and hosted by Jenn, and presented by Hong Kong Stories, a not-for-profit society dedicated to the art of storytelling. Learn more about us at www.hongkongstories.com.
It’s better than drama. It’s better than comedy. It’s real life.
*Please note that to comply with the government's social distancing rules and to keep everyone safe, the seating capacity for this show will be greatly reduced.
Show Type: Live Storytelling Performance
Age Limit: 16+ Advisory
Duration: 2 hours, with a 15-minute intermission