Hong Kong Stories April Live Show - For You
Exhibition - Stand-up Comedy
Hong Kong Stories

- Thu 01-04-2021 8:00 PM - 2 h
The Jockey Club Studio Theatre
$135 (At Door)
$120 (Adult)
$96 (Fringe Club Members)
In English
April showers bring may flowers. The theme for our Thursday 1 April live show is 'For You'.
This was FOR YOU - a package, a present, a punch in the gut.
This was for you - a gift that brought pleasure, hesitation or joy.
For you - a word, a gesture - was it dismissal or love?
April’s show is being pulled together by the expert hands of Gina. Come and find out what our storytellers have put together FOR YOU!
Hong Kong Stories is a non-profit society dedicated to the art of storytelling. Find more information at www.hongkongstories.com.
It’s better than drama, it’s better than comedy, it’s real life.
Please note that to comply with the government's social distancing rules and to help keep everyone safe, the seating capacity for this show will be greatly reduced.
Show Type: Live Storytelling Performance
Age Limit: 16+ Advisory
Duration: 2 hours, 15 minute intermission
Email: enquiry@hkfringeclub.com
Email: enquiry@hkfringeclub.com
Telephone: 2521 7251 (Fringe Club)
Whatsapp: 5616 1233 (Fringe Club)