【Cancelled】Hong Kong Stories July Live Show – Community
Exhibition - Stand-up Comedy
Hong Kong Stories

- Thu 23-07-2020 8:00 PM - 2 h
The Jockey Club Studio Theatre
$130 (At Door)
$120 (Adult)
$96 (Fringe Club Members)
In English
What does community mean to you? To our storytellers it’s an evocative word!
Come and listen as our storytellers share their true, first-person tales of coming together, building something new, honouring traditions or joining in with others. Stories of tribes, groups, factions, neighbourhoods and cliques. And stories of falling apart, breaking away, disagreements, decoupling, isolation and quarrelling.
It’s a live show (of course with all the necessary safety precautions).
It’s a live show (of course with all the necessary safety precautions).
Hong Kong Stories is a not-for-profit society dedicated to the art of storytelling. Find more information at www.hongkongstories.com. It’s better than drama, it’s better than comedy, it’s real life.
Show Type: Live Storytelling Performance
Age Limit: 16+ Advisory
Duration: 2 hours, 15 minute intermission
www.hongkongstories.com (Hong Kong Stories Facebook Page)
Venue Enquiry
2521 7251 (Fringe Club Telephone)
5616 1233 (Fringe Club Whatsapp)