Any Way the Wind Blows Live
LiveMusic - Live Music
Fringe Club

- Sat 17-08-2019 9:00 PM - 2 h
Fringe Dairy
HK$180 (incl. ONE standard drink)
Atomic Bubbles
男平面設計師於八月十六日到藝穗會參與一音樂會前,於沙頭角南昌街公廁廁格用手機偷拍一名中年肥胖男市民大便,即場被揭發後被捕。Atomic Bubbles隊員表示明白及諒解,某隊員更承認其大便較臭,令人情不自禁,表明不會追究。
Band Band
Hello friends.
Our group is made up of 1 girl & 4 boys, with members' ages total more than 100 years. Our music is widely known for its speed (快Kuai), neatness (靚Liang), goodness (正Zheng), truthfulness (真Zhen), compassion (善Shan) and beauty (美Mei).
Two of our members are pisces, we intend not to have perfomances too frequently. What's more, we have members who are consistently under the effect of the Jupiter Maha Dasha, we avoid organzing any fanclub, love feast, and the likes.
We are grateful for your kind tolerance, please don't miss the chance to catch us on stage.
Thank you very much!
with love, band band.
The Benefactor
Upon releasing our vinyl EP Belle Époque last year, the Benefactor went into hiatus. In these times of great difficulties, our original line-up are getting back together for a one-off show to sing about hope and better times that may lie ahead.
假日貞操 Virgin Vacation是一隊由三男一女在職藝文人於2018年組成的本地實驗器樂樂隊。擅長利用現場即興的音樂演奏和具節奏感的編曲風格合成出迷幻的聲景。若音樂就是對話的媒介,「假日貞操」的音樂便像是擁有兩個極端想法的人在嘗試溝通。一端是強調結構簡潔而具邏輯的編曲,近乎Krautrock的推進力,多變且連綿不絕的節奏旋律。而另一端則是不受任何法則拘束的混合自由爵士樂及即興新音樂的翻動,脫離調式音樂的概念,著重於即興奏樂結構性與非結構性之間 。
時而配合,時而對立 ,兩種不同的聲音在互動的一個音樂實驗。
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