Consciously Unconscious - An Exhibition of an Art Research by Idris Ho

- Tue 23-07-2019 to Thu 08-08-2019
Anita Chan Lai-ling Gallery
Free Admissions
2019-07-26 ( 7:00 PM ) (Exhibition Opening)
The artists’ philosophical reflective journey.
How does sensitivity boost creativity?
The curiosity in conscious and unconscious mind was the motivation of conducting this research. This film Consciously Unconscious was a research-based film conducted through PaR (practice-as-research) which looked into the sensitivity and creativity of a group of artists in Hong Kong. The film presents a series of interviews with leading artists in Hong Kong through a fluid, interwoven narrative of images, insights and reflections that take us to the personal heart of creativity and its centrality in life. The essence of the research was presented through this film…however, the findings of the research is more than the essence expressed.…life is full of possibilities…
Here and Now . Sensitivity . Creativity
The Fringe Club exhibition is an extension of the journey which includes an exhibition, screenings and dialogue sessions. It is an in-depth look into the topic of sensitivity and creativity. At the same time, it is focused on here and now during the 17-day exhibition. What do people see, here and now at the present moment of Hong Kong? How do these influence their sensitivity and boost their creativity? Hopefully, a real communication may occur while conveying messages in various artforms and non-artform approaches when messages reach the audience’s different senses through interaction.
In this Fringe Club exhibition, it is aimed at exploring the possibility of art creation and appreciation as well as looking into the conscious and unconscious minds in Hong Kong.
Idris Ho is an artist from Hong Kong. She is the curator of this exhibition as well as the director of this film. Idris engages in different art fields including film, photography, illustration, design and text. Having multiple roles in different art forms, she had finished the Master of Fine Arts research project. This exhibition is an extension of her latest research as well as a commencement/ extension of another research in Hong Kong art fields.
***All arrangements are subjected to change. We will update any new information as soon as possible.