Rewind - June 26 Live Show
Exhibition - Talk
Niharika-Hong Kong Stories

- Wed 26-06-2019 8:00 PM - 2 h
The Jockey Club Studio Theatre
HKD 120 HKD 96 (M)
In English
Rewind to reminisce about the good old days, reflect to make sense of the past. Or maybe simply rewind your favourite song on an old dusty cassette player and listen to it again and again.
Come and listen to our storytellers tell about rewinding at the Fringe Club on June 26 2019, 8 - 10 PM!
Hong Kong Stories is a not for profit group dedicated to the art of live storytelling in Hong Kong. Their monthly shows showcase true, first person stories told by the people they actually happened to. This show will meander off the usual track bit the core of great storytelling that makes every Hong Kong Stories show a delight to watch will be there!
*Show Type: Storytelling
*Language: English
*Age Limit: 16+
*Duration: 2 hours, with a 15 minute intermission