Band Music X Human Library

Art Week

Faculty of Social Sciences, The University of Hong KongxHong Kong Human The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities TrustLibraryxBoys’ and Girls’ Clubs Association of Hong Kong
  • Sun 02-06-2019 3:00 PM - 3 h

Fringe Dairy

Free Admissions



Between December 2018 and May 2019, two non-Chinese bands and one local band have shared their experiences, stories and reflections on music band through a series of workshops. These are treasured moments to share music and thoughts regardless of ethnic background. In the human library event, they will share the fruits from these treasured moments through music, stories and face-to-face communication.

One of the bands, “Now We Talking”, is composed of 4 Nepalese young men. They are making Nepalese pop music and look forward to sharing their compositions with the audience.

Another band, “Ra.Dyo”, is composed of 4 Filipino and one Chinese young people. They love to play their own composition as well as cover songs, in order to share fun and passion with music.

Three members from the local Chinese band “De Tesla” have joined as mentors. They have shared their band experiences with the young bands.

Music is both a topic and a medium to bring us together. Let’s listen to the growing up stories of the young band members, their journeys of music, and their lived experiences as ethnics in Hong Kong.

Let’s open up our mind and show our genuine concern upon the young people through interactive communication.


Now We Talking



De Tesla


More info:

Sopnsor:The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust

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