The Pride
Exhibition - Drama
Aurora Theatre

- Tue 19-02-2019 7:30 PM - 2 h
- Wed 20-02-2019 7:30 PM - 2 h
- Thu 21-02-2019 7:30 PM - 2 h
- Fri 22-02-2019 7:30 PM - 2 h
- Sat 23-02-2019 7:30 PM - 2 h
Fringe Underground
2019-02-19:HKD 260 (Adult),HKD 208 (members) | 2019-02-20 ~ 23 : HKD 300 (Adult), HKD 240 (members), HKD 260 (Full-Time Student, Senior, Disabled)
In English
Can a man hide his true nature because of societal pressures?
In 1958, Philip is a well-heeled estate agent married to Sylvia, an author of children’s books. But when Sylvia invites her illustrator, Oliver, over for dinner, there’s an immediate attraction between the two men. Philip is both drawn to and repelled by Oliver’s advances, aware that his whole identity could be in jeopardy if his true feelings become known publicly.
In 2008, the names are the same, but this time Philip and Oliver are in a relationship, which has been damaged by Oliver’s addiction to anonymous sex. Sylvia is the friend to whom they turn for comfort.
This drama about the seismic changes in attitudes to sexuality that have taken place in Britain over the past 60 years reminds us that, despite the sexual sea-change since the 1950s, prejudice is still with us.
*Show Type: Drama
*Language: English
*Age Limit: 16+
*Duration: 2 hours, with a 10 minute intermission