ALBUM LAUNCH: “The Night's Last Words” by Jason Cheng
LiveMusic - Live Music

- Fri 14-12-2018 8:00 PM - 2 h 30 m
Fringe Dairy
HK$160 (Advance/Fringe Members), HK$180 on the day (incl. one standard drink)
"The Night's Last Words" is the title of the new album and is also the title of one of the tracks written by musician, composer, entertainer and entrepreneur, Jason Cheng.
The main message of the album is to tell people not to despair when the chips are down; there is always a silver lining in every dark cloud... there is a unplanned song that ended up on the album called "Smile" written by Charlie Chaplin - the lyrics are so poignant and in many ways encapsulate how we can all deal with hardship:-
Smile, though your heart is aching, Smile, even though it's breaking, When there are clouds in the sky,
You'll get by If you smile through your fear and sorrow, Smile and maybe tomorrow, You'll see the sun come shining through for you, Light up your face with gladness, Hide every trace of sadness. Although a tear may be ever so near. That's the time you must keep on trying. Smile, what's the use of crying? You'll find that life is still worthwhile, If you'll just smile.
Lastly, however bad things may seem, we are still better off than many and we should be thankful that we are alive, have health and the ability to do things. This is why I believe that we all have a duty to give back if we can which is why for this album I have chosen HKCSF (Hong Kong Children's Skin Foundation) as the charity to donate all the proceeds to....
Sample tracks from the album:
Album available on iTunes:-
Special Thanks to:-
Covatta Communications
Fringe Club
Main Sponsor:-