Art Week

Dino Mahoney
  • Wed 28-11-2018 6:00 PM - 1 h 30 m

Fringe Vault

Wine and refreshments can be purchased at The Fringe Vault.


Time: 6pm-7:30pm

Dino Mahoney reading from and signing his new prize-winning poetry collection TUTTI FRUTTI – all welcome. Dino Mahoney, now based in London, is well known as a former RTHK Radio 4 broadcaster, with programs such as ‘Songbirds’ and ‘Poetry On Air,’ also as a playwright and theatre critic for the SCMP. He is currently a visiting lecturer on the Creative Writing program at The University of Hong Kong. Last year he won first prize in the Poetry Society’s (UK) prestigious Stanza Poetry Competition, and was a winner of the Sentinel Poetry Book Competition, his collection, TUTTI FRUTTI, published by SPM Publishers (London) in October.


“Dino Mahoney's 'TUTTI FRUTTI' is hot, sexy, witty and engrossing. He examines relationships, gay and straight, in an edgy, heart-warming fashion, and probes the underbelly of family life. Reflecting his multi-cultural, cosmopolitan background, several of his poems are set in Europe and East Asia, notably Greece and Hong Kong. A fantastic debut collection. “


Lisa Kelly - Chair of Magma Poetry


Wine and refreshments can be purchased at The Fringe Vault. 


For further information and enquires please email: dinomahoney@gmail.com


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