Let it , forget it ! music live
LiveMusic - Live Music
Atomic Bubbles X Band Band

- Sun 30-09-2018 3:00 PM - 3 h
Fringe Dairy
HK$180 (incl. ONE standard drink)

Let it , forget it ! music live
Atomic Bubbles
新移民民仔,一個人在香港,中秋節要自己渡過,幸好有一係指壓做雜工同鄉,話帶佢睇ATOMIC BUBBLES癲返晚,更話當晚有好多成熟香港女人載歌載舞,民仔聞後,滿心期待,盼望搵到個香港女人共渡佳節吹奏樂器。
Facebook link:
Band Band
Hello friends.
Our group is made up of 1 girl & 4 boys, with members' ages total more than 100 years. Our music is widely known for its speed (快Kuai), neatness (靚Liang), goodness (正Zheng), truthfulness (真Zhen), compassion (善Shan) and beauty (美Mei).
Two of our members are pisces, we intend not to have perfomances too frequently. What's more, we have members who are consistently under the effect of the Jupiter Maha Dasha, we avoid organzing any fanclub, love feast, and the likes.
We are grateful for your kind tolerance, please don't miss the chance to catch us on stage.
Thank you very much!
with love, band band.
Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/bandbandhk?ref=hl&ref_type=bookmark
** 天才表演嘉賓 Talent Solo Guest
探長 / Nerve /Gigi angel tomato/假日貞操/Isaac Wong
多媒體工作者, 從未與主流樂壇結緣, 90年代愛上indie music, 創辦Noco Records發行多張indie album, 其後加入廣告jingle創作, 2009年創立online music platform <Stage-tube.com> 對原創音樂不離棄, 近日仍零聲參與電影配樂及廣告音樂之創作,人仍在氣未斷。
Gigi angel tomato
Gigigaga 還是初出豆苗,還是愛戀沒經驗 ,然後今天初發現, 那年那天見一面 款那份感覺都係咁新鮮 。
跨界藝術家,擁有當代古典音樂作曲和九十年代地下銳舞文化背景,活躍於15 Grams、Buffneck Rizness、Noise to Signal、XXX及DIY戶外派對地下場域。
黃浚宇(Isaac Wong)
為香港少數的複音口琴手,擅長使用多支口琴吹奏樂曲, 彰顯其複音口琴的技巧及特色。黃氏亦在本年北京主辦的第12屆亞太口琴節中獲得複音口琴獨奏(有伴奏)的第一名及與其口隊(五葉草口琴隊)獲得創意組第三名。
假日貞操 Virgin Vacation
Are an instrumental group who use repetition and improvisation to create hypnotic, spiralling soundscapes which are constantly in flux.
The group's members are Wing Chan (guitar, effects), Step Ip (percussion, electronics) and James W. Hedges (guitar, effects).