The Lesson of Happiness by Professor Cat
Alan Yeah

- Wed 15-08-2018 to Tue 28-08-2018
Anita Chan Lai-ling Gallery
Free Admissions
About the Photographer
Alan Yeah
From starting out in photography to becoming frantically in love with it, Alan presented his first solo exhibition “One Day One Photo” at the HK Fringe Club in 2010. The exhibition was well received and widely covered by the press. In the following year, he returned to the Fringe Club with his next solo exhibition “One Day One Photo 2.0”, and it was equally well acclaimed. In 2013, Alan used cats as his subject for the first time in his exhibition “One Day One Photo 3.0” (also named “If we were all cats”). His fourth solo exhibition, which carried the same name as this one, “The Lesson of Happiness by Professor Cat”, debuted in 2017.
Apart from exhibitions, Alan has also put his photographs into two books: 《相片也會呼吸》(photographs can breathe) was published in late 2012 and 《貓貓笑》(laughing cats) in early 2017.
In 2011, Alan was invited by the Photographic Society of Hong Kong to give a seminar at the Hong Kong Central Library, to share his photography experience. His work 《自由鳥 不自由了》(the free bird is trapped) received the 2nd runner up prize in the 2012 National Geographic Channel HK Photo Contest.
Alan see cats as his teachers because in his two adopted cats kept him company during his depression and seemed to share his grief with him so that he could start over again. For this, Alan wishes that the cats in his photographs will also heal all of you of negative emotions.