Once Upon a Time
Exhibition - Talk
Wind Mill Grass Theatre

- Sat 02-03-2013 4:00 PM - 2 h
Fringe Underground
In Cantonese
Hao Peng Yao Hui of Wind Mill Grass Theatre has invited three speakers, all with different backgrounds yet who share the same passion for theatre, to talk about their unforgettable experiences and how they’ve been inspired by theatre.
1. Mr Kam Kwok Leung (playwright, director and actor)
2. Ms Becky Ip (Director of the Hong Kong Tourism Board in mainland China)
3. Mr Chordio Chan (General Manager and Head of Investment at Bank of China (HK))
Reservations: Send an email to info@windmillgrasstheatre.com with the following information:
1. Subject line: Once Upon a Time (seat reservation) / 2. Full Name /3. Contact Number / 4. Number of seats required.
We will then confirm your reservation by phone.