Exhibition - Drama

- Thu 28-09-2017 8:00 PM - 1 h 30 m
- Fri 29-09-2017 8:00 PM - 1 h 30 m
- Sat 30-09-2017 3:00 PM - 1 h 30 m
- Sat 30-09-2017 8:00 PM - 1 h 30 m
Fringe Underground
HKD 240 HKD 150 (SC, S, D)
In Cantonese

Tickets available on art-mate website & Fringe Club box office:
This September, enjoy the nights with live music jamming dance and drama at the fringe underground. “Unstoppable” dance threatre and a local football life story “GK” will be presented with the live music performed by local band SAGAS.
“Unstoppable” talks about dance lover Yu chasing the dream to be a professional dancer dancing at the Hong Kong Coliseum, came across numerous failure and struggles. She eventually recapture her reason of dancing. She should dance with her heart, enjoy the music and every movements. Stage is everywhere.
“GK” is a story about life in Hong Kong told through the football. The protagonist became a goalkeeper throughout a number of coincidences. The sport is a connection with friends on the field even until adulthood. This is not a story about living out your dream and passion, because football is not a prosperous choice in the city. Everyone has his own position in the field. If life is a football match, what is the goal that you're keeping?
*Age limit: 6+
*Duration: 60-70 min (No intermission)