Ingredients of TIME
Fringe Festival

- Thu 13-07-2017 to Thu 24-08-2017
Fringe Club
Learn from the Past
Play Now
Lead in the Future
This Summer, the Fringe Club will present the “Ingredients of TIME”. Events include "Between art and other worlds" exhibition, "Midnight Stories…", "My Normal & Paranormal Sightings In & Around the Fringe" artist sharing and a series of “Naked Dialogue”.
Free Admission
“Between Art and Other Worlds” – by Artist Hanison Lau
05/07 – 31/08
Exhibition+ *
Theme: Exhibition Tour - “Midnight Stories…”
Date & Time: 13/07 (Thu) | 9pm - 10pm
Docent: Artist, Mr. Hanison Lau
Language: Cantonese
Theme: Artist Sharing - “My Normal & Paranormal Sightings In & Around the Fringe”
Date & Time: 22/07 (Sat) | 3:30pm - 4:30pm
Speaker: Artist, Mr. Hanison Lau
Language: Cantonese
Naked Dialogues *
Theme: Together We Stand – Conserving Kaiping Diaolou
Date & Time: 08/07 (Sat) | 3:30pm - 5pm
Speakers: Dr. Jinhua Tan (Conservation Leader of World Cultural Heritage “Kaiping Diaolou and Villages”), Mr. Benny Chia (Founder of Fringe Club)
Venue: Fringe Upstairs
Language: Cantonese
Theme: Making Visible the Invisible?
Date & Time: 15/07 (Sat) | 3:30pm - 5pm
Speakers: Mr. Hanison Lau (Artist), Mr. Benny Chia (Founder of Fringe Club)
Venue: Fringe Upstairs
Language: Cantonese
Theme: Conserve No More?
Date & Time: 26/08 (Sat) | 3:30pm - 5pm
Speakers: Dr. Lee Ho Yin (Head of HKU Division of Architectural Conservation Programmes, (ACP)), Mr. Michael Wolf (Artist in Hong Kong)
Venue: Fringe Upstairs
Language: English
Learn · Play · Lead Fringe Tour *
Theme: Revitalization of the Fringe Club
Date: 08/07, 26/08
Time & Language: 2:30pm - 3:15pm (Group 1: English; Group 2: Cantonese)
Theme: Sightings In & Around the Fringe
Date: 15/07, 22/07
Time & Language: 2:30pm - 3:15pm(Group 1: English; Group 2: Cantonese)
To explore more stories, please visit:
* Online Registration, First-come-first-served
# Except for Sundays & Public Holidays