SR presents: Series Showcase 12
LiveMusic - Rock

- Sat 01-06-2013 8:30 PM - 3 h
Fringe Dairy
$120 (in advance), $150 (on the day); includes one special drink

Mara Measor – born and raised in Hong Kong, Mara Measor is half-British and half-Chinese, but you wouldn’t guess it when you hear her sing – that is, until she breaks out her Cantonese. After high-school she spent a year working and singing in Ethiopia, and now performs as an indie singer-songwriter in NYC. Think Ingrid Michaelson meets Norah Jones having a conversation about Regina Spektor, in a Chinese restaurant.
Tacit Closet – this rock trio was formed in 2008. Its music ranges from rock ballads (Story Ends Abruptly) to indie rock (You Know, Love Floods) to progressive rock (Fake Urchin Commercial Karaoke). Their musical influences include British Rock (suede, Mansun), Punk (The Clash) and Alternatives (Placebo, Muse).
EleTriCious – a Chinese rock band founded in autumn 2010. The band is 50% female (Eunice on bass and Kapo on drums) and 50% male (Martin on vocals and William on guitar). They’re influenced by Canto-pop, J-rock, punk, funk, R&B, Brit pop… but they’re all attracted to “easy-listening” styles.
輕觸.点 – 由主音Martin, 低音結他手Eunice, 結他手William 及 鼓手Kapo 於2010年9月組成。
4人喜歡的音樂種類廣泛,沒固定創作風格,但都比較鍾情於easy listening的曲風,歌曲風格主要均以輕快的groovy rock為主, 亦有部份是帶出不同情境的歌曲. 希望能以簡單的音樂,令聽眾聽得輕鬆過癮愉快。
Special Act: Goodnight Jane