JazzSpeak Vol.9 - Musicians hate Conductors

Art Week

Patrick Lui x Wilson Ng x Ng Cheuk-yin
  • Sat 23-02-2019 2:30 PM - 2 h

The Jockey Club Studio Theatre

$50 (Standard), $40 (*Fringe members), $30 (**Student/ Senior)


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Presented by the Fringe Club as one of the programmes of “Jazz-Go-Central, Jazz-Go-Fringe” project, JazzSpeak is the training programme of the Jazz Youth Internship Scheme Phase II.  The talk will be opened to the public as well.


JazzSpeak Vol.9 ─ Musicians hate Conductors

In every jazz big band and classical orchestra concert, there’s always someone with his back turned to the audience: the conductor.  As the soul of the orchestra, he leads the whole performance, changing the rhythm and tone as his arms wave and he gives commands to the musicians.  But after all the applause, what burdens does he carry, and what tears does he shed?  How has he overcome the difficulties of uniting the musicians during the rehearsals and performances?  And what are the differences between conducting a jazz band and a classical orchestra?

The finale of our JazzSpeak series features two talented young local conductors and band founders – Patrick Lui from the jazz scene and Wilson Ng from the classical scene.  From the perspective of two entirely different music scenes, they’ll share with us the joys and sorrows of being a conductor and leader. 

Our Moderator is Ng Cheuk-yin, who organises jazz concerts and often engages with conductors and musicians from different fields. 



Patrick Lui

Patrick Lui is an award-winning pianist, keyboardist, composer, arranger and producer.  As a composer and arranger, he has led and performed with many big bands in Hong Kong and abroad.  In 2014 he founded his own jazz big band, The 5422 Collective, and in 2018 he founded the Patrick Lui Jazz Orchestra – both of them perform pieces composed and arranged by Patrick.  He has led his bands in many events, including festivals in Hong Kong and Taiwan, and has conducted the Taipei Jazz Orchestra in a concert of his own pieces.  In New York last year, Patrick recorded a jazz big band album of his own compositions and arrangements.  


Wilson Ng

Wilson Ng has been a prize winner in several international conducting competitions, and is now the first Chinese Associate Conductor of the Seoul Philharmonic Orchestra.  He originally studied the flute, and performed as a guest solo flutist with the Lyon National Opera Ballet before choosing to study and specialise in conducting.  

Wilson is also the Founder and Artistic Director of the Gustav Mahler Orchestra in Hong Kong.  For his contributions to the development of arts and culture, he received a Certificate of Commendation from the Hong Kong Secretary for Home Affairs in 2017 and ​a Young Artist Award from the Hong Kong Arts Development Council in 2018.


Moderator: Ng Cheuk-yin

NG Cheuk-yin is an award-winning composer, music producer, sheng performer and a cappella artist.

Yin is the Hong Kong Sinfonietta’s first Artist Associate, the Chinese University of Hong Kong’s first resident composer, the music director of the fusion group SIU2 and the artistic director of the a cappella choral theatre company the Yat Po Singers.  His compositions range from chamber and orchestral works to electronic music; from rock music to musicals; from choral works to pop songs and music for crossover bands and ensembles.  And artists and groups all over the world have performed his works.



  • Programmes elaborated mainly in Cantonese.
  • Admission: 30 minutes before show time.
  • No outside drink or food is allowed inside the venue.
  • *Fringe Club membership card MUST be presented at the door.
  • **Student card/ Identity card MUST be presented at the door.

Jazz-Go-Central, Jazz-Go-Fringe” is financially supported by the Arts Capacity Development Funding Scheme of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region

The content of this programme does not reflect the views of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
Hong Kong Fringe Club reserves the right to change the programme and speakers 


Fringe Club (852) 2521 7251

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