Big Band Jazz

Patrick Lui & The 5422 Collective featuring Alan Kwan, John Yao & Matt Young

LiveMusic - Big Band Jazz

Patrick Lui & The 5422 Collective, Alan Kwan, John Yao, Matt Young
  • Sat 14-10-2017 9:30 PM - 2 h

Fringe Dairy

$150 (in advance, Fringe members), $180 (on the day); includes one standard drink



Tickets available at and Fringe Club box office.

Click here to buy now.


The 5422 Collective, Hong Kong’s very own jazz big band is back, and will be joined by guest musicians from New York City: guitarist Alan Kwan, trombonist John Yao and drummer Matt Young.


Limited seats, first-come-first-served.

Enquiries: Fringe Club (852) 2521 7251

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